First project of the year!!!          

 "Funny in 15"

Our task was in random groups of 3, to produce a 15 second animation with the sole purpose of evoking laughter. The task guidelines other than that it had to be funny, and no longer or shorter than 15 seconds, were very broad. We could use any type of animation, be that stop motion, CG or 2D. Firstly after finding out my group (Carl, Paris, and I) we got together straight away and started coming up with ideas, things we personally found amusing, and things we thought were universally funny.

After some broad ideas were developed, we started to filter out the not so good ideas, and restricting ourselves to what ideas would fit within 15 seconds. A strong idea that we ran with for a while, were to do an animated version of ‘1 liner’ jokes, told by comedians such as Jimmy Carr and Milton Jones. Although we found this idea quite interesting, we decided that it wouldn’t turn out to be the most effective use of 15 seconds, and wanted to come up with a more original idea and not just animate an existing joke.

Here's some links to the kind of thing we were thinking 

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